Company Seminar

For planners, commissioners and operators

Company Seminar


There are now over 200 AGV/AMR manufacturers; many have only been on the market for a short time. More and more often, there is a lack of experience and basic knowledge, especially on safety-related topics. These deficits lead to sometimes questionable AGV/AMR solutions, which are caused by planners, manufacturers and commissioning engineers, but for the most part are the responsibility of the operators.

For this reason, we are offering a comprehensive safety seminar, which we recommend to EVERYONE involved in the planning, commissioning and operation of AGV/AMR!

We specifically address companies that want/need to train their employees, so that these employees can openly ask their questions in a closed group without other participants from other companies.


Scope of the seminar:
3 blocks a’ 2 h. Cost: 3 x 70 € p.p. = 210 € p.p. net.

Minimum number of participants:
8 participants.

This seminar will take place online as a MS Teams video conference.


Each participant must register or be registered by the commissioning company, with surname, first name, company, email address.

Each participant will be personally invited to an MS Teams video conference, individually for each seminar block.

If you are interested, please send an email to


Company seminar AGV safety
3 blocks online with 2 hours each