

Structure of the Technical Committee

VDI Technical Committee AGV Strategy Group

It contains the functions:

Branch manager
Chairman of the TC

Chairmen Technology
Chairmen Planning
Chairmen Safety

The working group leaders to the WGs within the fields of technology, planning and safety.

The Taskmanager:

The red box covers the strategy group. It contains the functions:

Branch manager
Chairman of the TC

Chairmen Technology
Chairmen Planning
Chairmen Safety

The Taskmanager:

The green box covers the extended strategy group. It contains the functions:

The Taskmanager:

As well as the working group leaders of all WGs.

The main meetings of the technical committee are the two meetings in spring and autumn.

The autumn meeting is scheduled and held at the same time and place as the two meetings which take place alternately:


FTS-Fachtagung at Fraunhofer IML
in Dortmund in the autumn of even years


organized by Fraunhofer IPA
in Stuttgart in the odd years

The autumn meeting of the Technical Committee AGV always takes place the following day at the premises of the organiser of these meetings. All members of the TC and guests are invited.

The spring meeting is divided into two half days: the afternoon of the first day and the morning of the second day. On the first half day, the extended strategy group meets, on the second half day the members of the Forum AGVS are added.

At the moment the following person allocation exists:

Branch Manager: Thomas Sowa
Chairman: Günter Ullrich
Chairmen Technology: Jochen Luz, Andreas Trenkle
Chairmen Planning: Karl Rapp, Waldemar Osterhoff
Chairmen Safety: Frank Bauder, Rolf Trabold


Events: Thomas Albrecht, Kai Pfeiffer
Active market communication: Yaser Gamai, Dennis Wöppel
Market and technology monitoring: Michael Dold, Thomas Albrecht, Christoph Schaeffer, David Korte
Technical dictionary: Thomas Albrecht
Other committee: Andreas Drost / Wolfgang Hillinger / Jan Drömer
Thomas Albrecht
Working group leaders of all WGs: Detaillierung folgt