27 June 2024 - 4:00 pm
Brave new world - the 3 biggest dangers for end customers
with Günter Ullrich
The supplier markets for our mobile robotics are changing:
- Numerous new providers from all over the world are entering the German market, including some that are extremely interesting in terms of price.
- Instead of providers who supply the complete AGV, including planning and commissioning, control system and vehicle suppliers now offer their services separately. These are joined by integrators, commissioning engineers and other service providers who want to be involved in the project. A great offer with unprecedented combination possibilities!
- There are also new possibilities in the technical area: thanks to their advanced sensors and control technology, the AMRs should be able to adapt to all existing infrastructures and operating conditions. The customer hardly needs to plan or prepare for the use of the automation; short commissioning times are attractive.
Brave new world! All three of these points promise unimagined new opportunities. But beware: there are dangers lurking behind the opportunities! We want to name and discuss these dangers, as they can have serious consequences, namely
- unsafe systems that must not be operated at all,
- infinite project durations and
- a lot of learning money.
It is therefore important to recognise these risks in good time and set up the project accordingly! Then mobile robotics will work!
I’m looking forward to the AGV talk on 27 June!
General information about the FTS-Talk (as always):
- Registration at https://forum-fts.com/fts-talk/
- MS Teams invitation will be sent out a few days before the event:
- Language: German
- Start: 4 pm, end: 5 pm
- Open discussion: All participants can join the discussion and ask questions.
- No PowerPoint presentation
- No recording
- All compliance rules will be observed!
- Cancellation by email to fts-talk@forum-fts.com or as a reply email to an invitation.